This post is not a beauty post but certainly more important. However, I will return to my regular beauty post in a few days. Right now, I have an important issue to discuss. Please stop here if you don't want to hear some awful truths.
As you know, it's my job to be as educated as possible about the products I use on my self and on my clients because its important -Just like its important to know where your food came from. We shop more carefully now because we cant always trust what we're buying and therefore must do our best to be responsible for we put in our mouths and our bodies. As far as I'm concerned, this also applies to the beauty industry. Every product we use; from what we use on our hair, our skin, our nails must all be considered the same way we look over a tomato before we add it to our cart and ultimately our bodies. We have to be socially responsible here too.
One of the most important issues to me personally (and we all have important issues that we support) is animal cruelty. I can't express to you how it makes me feel to know this is happening every day but I do my part to make a difference and am asking the same of you. Outside of my profession in makeup, I spend alot of effort helping animals (I work with a rescue in my area and support many organizations) and educate people about the horrors that these animals are subjected to. Its sad and ignorant and I wont get into details here but Im sure most of you are aware of whats happens. Its abhorrent.
Animal testing is just not ok by ANY means and so unnecessary! It's 2010 and we are still doing this crap? It's ridiculous that we claim to be intelligent and superior yet we bully and torture living creatures on this planet. I mean, seriously... it makes me crazy.
The good part is that we can all do our part to help. One of the many ways we can help is convincing these large corporations to stop this barbaric way of testing. If we continue to support these companies they will continue to operate this way. Luckily, more and more companies are moving away from animal testing and for that I am so glad, but there still many that continue to test. Its unbelievable.
What I am asking is this. Buy what you want but at least be aware and educated about these companies and the products they sell us. Personally, I need to know if a particular product (may it be makeup, soap, shampoo, detergent, etc) is the result of some poor animal suffering excruciating torture. I cant support it and I wont. Animals are precious and do not deserve to be tortured for the sake of our beauty or any other reason.
Please click on the link below to review the list of companies that are currently still testing on animals. Whatever you decide is completely up to you but at least you know. The truth isn't always pretty and sometimes it hurts but its better to know, in my opinion.
We have to speak for the animals that can not speak for themselves. Please pass this on.

Thx a lot for sharing, very good article :)
Wow! The fact that the list is as long as it is is CRAZY! Sure glad my main hair product company, Phyto, isn't on there. Sad that Kiehl's got scoped up by a larger company and doesn't have the same values it once did. Great information! I will definitely repost.